Narcissism 101

10 Things Narcissists Want To Do To You In The End


Number 4: The next goal of narcissists is to use you to get what they want.

They only care about you if you can give them something; that is the first thing they think about, and it will also be the last thing they think about. Narcissists will take advantage of anyone or anything to get what they want.

They are always looking for ways to help themselves at the expense of others; they will stop doing this only when they can’t get anything from you anymore. Narcissists don’t want to get to know you well; they just want something from you.

They are experts at giving off the impression that they are perfect, which is an art form. To get what they want, they will make you feel like the worst person in the world while saying they love you. When they’re done with you, narcissists will use your kindness and empathy against you.

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What Makes narcissists Crazy Thinking about?

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Number 5: Narcissists are too focused on being liked and getting attention.

They can’t get enough of being in the spotlight, they’d like it if you paid attention to them and what they’re doing and decided that you need more of them. They are insecure people who can’t stand it when other people start to show their worth.

Let’s say you’ve already decided you don’t care about him being there. So, a narcissist would put pressure on you by making it seem like you don’t care about them or aren’t being polite if you don’t praise them all the time. It can be done in many ways, such as by undermining your efforts, attacking your sense of self-worth, gaslighting you into thinking things aren’t what they seem, ending a relationship, and so on.

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