Narcissism 101

10 Things Narcissists Do During Silent Treatment

Number 5: Narcissists will act like everything is normal.

They will deny any wrongdoing even if they’ve been caught red-handed doing something awful, they’ll act like everything is normal. Narcissists pretend to be unaffected by your rejection or hurt feelings in the silent treatment. They’ll act like nothing is wrong and know how to make you believe things are fine when they’re not.

When they do silent treatment, they could suddenly stop responding to what you’re saying, even if you’re sitting and having a normal conversation with them. If you try to mention that, they’re ignoring you they’ll say things like “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you said”. Or “I’m sorry if I seem distracted”. Then narcissists change the subject as quickly as possible.

Number 6: They will pretend as if nothing has changed.

Narcissists will pretend as if nothing has changed during a silent treatment. They will often refuse to acknowledge that you’ve been upset or hurt and may even act like everything is normal. They may not apologize for their behavior, and might even blame you for causing the problem.

Narcissists don’t care much about how you feel; they are only concerned with their own needs. They often act as if nothing has changed after their abuse tactics and have failed to get them what they want. They will pretend as if nothing has changed because they know that this is what keeps you coming back.

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What Makes Narcissists Crazy Thinking about?

10 Ways To Identify A Narcissist

How to Make Narcissists Regret Losing You?

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