Narcissism 101

The Narcissist’s Initial Reaction To Your Silence or Absence.


Does the Narcissist care when you ignore them or go no contact? There are some misconceptions that they do not care, or that they just move on to another source. The truth is that the Narcissist does care and there are a variety of emotions that a Narcissist can experience, but it is dependent on how useful you were to them.

At the end of the day, every loss of supply, no matter how big or small, does impact them. The impact may be short-lived or well-hidden, but we have to remember that the Narcissist is very needy and greedy, therefore they hate losing out on any source of Narcissistic Supply.

It triggers their fear of abandonment, which gives rise to their insecurities and hidden shame. There is also the issue of control and Narcissist hate losing control over anyone. So, today’s topic is all about the initial emotional reactions of Narcissists when someone ignores them or cuts them off completely and what they later go on to do in response.

With some people, the Narcissist may experience a few of the following emotions or just do one. Either way, your silence or absence will affect them on some level and evoke an emotional response.

So, here are 4 Initial Emotions:  

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6 things That Instantly Triggers a Narcissist

7 Things That Will Happen During Narcissistic Rage

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