Narcissism 101

What Happens When A Narcissist Knows They Hold No Power Against You?


Number 2: Narcissists almost never apologize when they’ve been discovered lying.

They will not admit their destructive behavior to you or anyone else, so they can’t or will not recognize their own inadequacies, misjudgments, mistakes, or limits, even to themselves. Rather, there are typically many false allegations. They’d alter what you’ve said or done or claim that you did or said things you never did or uttered.

They create alternate stories that make people misinterpret you and your intentions. Your partner may have perfected the art of manipulation and gaslighting if you’ve been together for some time. If it appears that other people believe them too, you can start to question your own sanity. Covert narcissists may appear modest and contrite to onlookers, yet their true feelings of superiority to others may not be hidden at all.

Number 3: They may reach out to others you know outside of the relationship to show their true care for them after a breakup if they haven’t previously.

To the narcissist, making sure the people around you are under their control is of utmost significance. Saying that they haven’t heard from them in quite some time, that they’re worried about them, or that they suddenly developed a strong preference for something related to them, they’ll join up with the team and quickly become fast friends with everyone else in that group.

It’s possible they’ll try to get in touch with them personally by sending cards, calling, or inviting them out to dinner. The narcissist wants to show that, despite their first impressions, they are honorable people deserving of respect. In addition, this offers numerous advantageous outcomes to the narcissist. The goal is to recruit flying monkeys or reliable friends and family members of the victim to act as informants.

They make use of these people to watch over you in order to learn pertinent details about you. Shortly, its main purpose is to scare the victim into submission or to make sure the victim is still under their control, letting the victim stay in a dangerous situation where they can do more harm.

It’s an adaptive response that allows the narcissist to manage their own perceptions of the circumstance, as well as the perceptions of those around them. Narcissism is corrosive because it first eats away at a person or thing from the inside, and then, if that fails, it tries to destroy it from the outside.

Number 4: They will project onto their victims to get their victims to accept responsibility for their poor behavior.

They often resorted to emotionally blackmailing them. A narcissist who has just lost a significant other or close friend may try to use their grief, shame, “And humiliation to gain sympathy. That takes a lot of guts. For sure, they will resort to any means necessary in order to attempt to manipulate the victim’s emotional side and elicit feelings of pity and sympathy for themselves at the expense of the victim.

They will not stop pleading, crying, begging, whining, being angry, etc. until the victim apologizes for how they feel about the treatment they received. When referring to a similar incident, I often say they wet the bed and blamed the blanket.

Number 5: They’re getting mean and petty.

It’s like everything is your fault in the narcissist’s mind. They say, “How dare you try to see through me? How dare you want to stop putting up with my antics?” Keep in mind that narcissists think everything is about them and what they did to their victims is because they deserve it. They deserve the worst treatment possible if need be. Certain people are predisposed to destructive or aggressive behavior.

They could spread damaging rumors. It’s possible that they’re purposefully withholding data, assets, and information that they think will give them back power and control over their victims. That they have a responsibility to set an example for their victims.

Number 6: If they cannot maintain their deception, control, or threat, they may try to form a trauma bond.

A victim of a narcissist may begin to believe that the narcissist’s pattern of poisonous behavior is no longer hurtful because it has become ordinary. One who is emotionally abused may appear to an outsider to be completely dependent on the narcissist. Perhaps they are financially dependent or may be emotionally dependent.

Having a child, for example, means they’re likely to spend a lot of time together. Perhaps they have developed an unhealthy reliance on their abuser and will never be able to break free. It’s possible that the issue is of a physical nature, such as a health problem. The narcissist will attempt to form a trauma bond, a link based on a shared traumatic experience, even if one did not previously exist.

If it was already there, they would fortify it in any way possible, doing anything they could to make it extremely difficult for the victim to exercise any independence or flee. A narcissist who believes they are losing control over someone may exhibit the aforementioned actions and personality traits.

Read More: What Happens When You Hurt The Narcissist’s Ego?

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