Narcissism 101

How to Make Narcissists Regret Every Bad Thing They’ve Done?


Number 8: Stay strong and focused.

To make a narcissist regret everything they have done to you, you have to stay strong and focused. This means you must keep your feelings about what has happened to you, even if it makes you angry or sad. If you let the narcissist know that they have hurt you, they will only try harder to hurt you again. Instead of letting them know how much pain, they’ve caused you focus on what makes you happy and better.

Narcissists are often addicted to power and control, so you mustn’t let them get to you. So the next time your narcissist tries to manipulate you tune them out completely. You don’t have time for their nonsense; you’re busy focusing on your own life.

Number 9: Don’t flatter or compliment them.

When you flatter a narcissist it makes them feel good about themselves and reinforces their behavior, they will continue treating you poorly because they think their actions make you happy. To make a narcissist regret everything they have done, you must stop giving them what they want.

You need to stop flattering or complimenting them. Instead of complimenting or flattering them, show them that you’re smarter than they are by pointing out their flaws and mistakes. This will make them feel insecure and uncomfortable around you.

If they continue trying to manipulate you, don’t fall for it. The only way to break free of their hold over your life is by refusing to let them control the way you think about yourself.

You may also want to read this:

10 Ways Narcissists Destroy Your Relationships

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