Narcissism 101

How to Make Narcissists Regret Every Bad Thing They’ve Done?

Number 6: Don’t apologize for anything ever again.

They are masters of manipulation, they know how to play the victim and make you feel like you’ve done something wrong. Suppose you have ever apologized to a narcissist for anything. In that case, you are likely familiar with the way they test their words to make it seem like you are at fault.

Well, this is precisely what they want. Narcissists want you to feel like you’re being unreasonable or crazy. So that they can continue doing whatever they want to do in the first place while that can be incredibly painful. It’s important to remember that they are not the victim here. They are the ones who have hurt you and they are the ones who need to take responsibility for their actions.

So, if they ever try to make you feel bad about yourself again, don’t apologize or try to explain yourself. When you apologize for something that doesn’t warrant an apology, or if you don’t stand up for yourself when someone else is abusive towards you, you give them power over your life

Number 7: Ignore them and give them the silent treatment.

If you feel like you can’t handle being around them, don’t be around them. Instead, take time for yourself and focus on your own needs, friends, and family. Being around people who make you feel bad about yourself will bring you down further. It’s important to get away from these toxic people as much as possible.

As soon as narcissists realize that you’re not going to respond to them anymore, they will start obsessing over what they did wrong, and how much more miserable their lives have become without you. This can mess with their heads so much, that they’ll beg for your forgiveness in no time.

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