Narcissism 101

4 Steps to get revenge on a Narcissist

Step 2: Analyze the narcissist’s motivations for keeping the relationship going.

Narcissists insist that you abandon your identity and forget who you are. They don’t want you to have any say in your life, establish boundaries, or take initiative. Their goal is for you to believe that you’re worthless and a stain on society. This manipulation leaves you feeling trapped and causes tremendous suffering. You’re likely to have forgotten your true identity thanks to their intentional amnesia-inducing tactics.

They need you to be obedient and submissive to use you as a doormat. They probably tried to silence you and were fearful of what you might discover about yourself if you had a say in your life’s path. The reason they feel powerful and in control is that they run every aspect of your life and refuse to allow you free will. Knowing this is critical if you want to move forward.

I’m sure, in light of what you know about how your specific narcissist operates, you won’t hesitate to take more action. They alter their actions to fit their twisted beliefs, and I have no doubt that you’re up to the challenge.

You may also want to read this:

6 things That Instantly Triggers a Narcissist

7 Things That Will Happen During Narcissistic Rage

10 Things A Narcissist Wants After A Breakup

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