Narcissism 101

4 Steps to get revenge on a Narcissist


Step 3: Achieve victory over the narcissist.

So, how do you achieve victory over the narcissist? I’ll explain why they formed their negative opinion of you in the first place. Don’t dig into their demands; instead, put in the work and rise from the ashes like the legendary phoenix. Narcissists hate individuals who can do this. If you can heal and protect yourself from future narcissists, all their efforts will have been for nothing.

Rebuilding relationships, saying no, managing your finances, and standing on your own two feet is a failure on their part because it shows that they no longer have control over you. They have an inflated sense of their abilities and knowledge, and the fact that you’re taking responsibility for your life and making positive changes is the most dissatisfying thing to them. Through your actions, you’ve demonstrated that they have no power over you.

They foolishly believe that you destroy your mental health, and they’re offended that you don’t share their cynical outlook on life. Unfortunately for them, their efforts have failed miserably, and they’re left looking foolish. It’s time to claim your victory and move on from the narcissist’s toxic grip.

Read More:

10 Things to Expect When You Break Up With A Narcissist

Step 4: Manage your anger and use it to move on from the narcissist.

I strongly suggest that you learn healthy methods of handling your anger if you want to recover and march forward. Acknowledge your frustration and use it as fuel to make positive changes and move forward. To get revenge on the narcissist, channel your anger and use it to overcome the pain caused by them and other negative experiences.

Enduring suffering is simply part of the process. The same ease and openness you experience when talking with loved ones must be present as you work together to create the ideal environment. Recognize your anger and channel it productively.

Read More: What Narcissists Never Want You To Find Out?

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